Creating the Most Engaging and Entertaining Employee Training Seminars
Employee training is generally a hard sell. Not only is it compulsory, but many employees feel that it is unnecessary. Either they may not see the need for the training or they may feel they already understand the subject matter. When trying to create engaging, entertaining employee training seminars, you need to work with the employees rather than against them. Though this can take some work, it’ll ultimately ensure that they internalize more of the seminar’s message.
Schedule It During the Work Day
Employees are extremely resistant to training that occurs outside of normal work hours. In other words, employee training that occurs during their “personal time.” Employee training is intended to be a part of work, so scheduling it during work will make them more receptive to its message. If you need to take up any of an employee’s personal time, it has to be worth their while: out of town seminars should still give them time to see the city and blow off some steam.
Get the Right Technology For Your Training Seminars
Employees learn in different ways. Some learn by doing, others learn by seeing, and still others learn by reading. In general, important training points should be repeated in all three of these methods. By doing so, you’ll be able to engage the largest volume of employees. Have employees act out new training information that’s most essential, while emphasizing other points through slide shows, videos, and written communications.
Acknowledge and Recognize the Best Employees
Turning training seminars into a path towards recognition is one of the easiest ways to get employees involved and motivated. Give out awards, certifications, and prizes to the employees who have performed best . Either on a quarterly or annual basis or simply during the training seminar itself. This will tell employees that not only do you care about their performance, but that you’re also paying attention to their needs.
Employee training doesn’t have to be difficult. As long as you have the employees on board, it will be both effective and entertaining. When in doubt, ask your employees what they would be most interested in and engage them early on in the process. For the technology that you need to drive your seminars and presentations, BMS Rentals has everything you need at low prices.